About Us


We believe in the power of collaboration and partnerships to transform the world. Our vision is to form alliances and partnerships with organizations across the globe that are actively working on water projects. Together, we aim to provide clean drinking water to millions of people who are in desperate need.


Our ultimate goal is to  become the source of Barakah (blessings) by channeling funds into projects of good throughout the world. We firmly believe that by spreading generosity and empathy for the human race, we can make a significant impact and contribute to the greater good of humanity. Clean water is a basic necessity that many communities lack, and by addressing this crucial need, we can enhance the well-being and health of individuals, families, and entire communities.

Our Mission Is Clear

Clean Water Projects

Clean Water Projects

Transformed Lives

Transformed Lives

Quenching The Thirst

Quenching The Thirst

Rewards rush through the Rivers of Jannah!

It was narrated that Sa’d bin ‘Ubadah said: “I said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, my mother has died; shall I give in charity on her behalf?’ He said: ‘Yes.’ I said: ‘What kind of charity is best?’ He said: ‘Providing drinking water.”

Brothers and sisters of faith, let us embark on a profound journey, one that holds the power to transform lives and shape destinies. Within the realm of Jannah, a world of eternal bliss and boundless rewards, lies an invitation that stirs the very depths of our souls. It is an invitation to witness the majestic flow of the “Rivers Of Jannah.”

Imagine, if you will, a river of blessings that surges with a divine current, carrying within it the promise of unimaginable abundance. This river calls upon us to rush towards goodness, to invest in the hereafter with unwavering dedication and unwavering hearts. Each step we take, each contribution we make, propels us further along this sacred river, guiding us towards the rewards that await in the afterlife.

“Rewards that rise in Ranks” are offered to those who, with sincerity and gratitude, utilize their blessings to uplift humanity. As we extend our hands in charity, as we devote our resources to making a difference, we witness the elevation of our own souls, and our decree among the beloved servants of Allah.

With every act of kindness, with every donation we offer, we forge a path towards eternal bliss, forever imprinted in the fabric of our existence.

Together, we weave a tapestry of hope, redefining lives and communities through the miraculous power of clean water. Our adventure holds the promise of a brighter future, where compassion and collaboration reign, leaving a permanent mark on the world.

By pledging a consistent monthly contribution to Rivers of Jannah, you are not only supporting a worthy cause but also making an investment in your own Akhirah (hereafter). This ongoing commitment allows you to proactively build your spiritual legacy, ensuring blessings and rewards that extend beyond the present.

Surah An-Nur, Verse 45

وَٱللَّهُ خَلَقَ كُلَّ دَآبَّةٍۢ مِّن مَّآءٍۢ ۖ فَمِنْهُم مَّن يَمْشِى عَلَىٰ بَطْنِهِۦ وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَمْشِى عَلَىٰ رِجْلَيْنِ وَمِنْهُم مَّن يَمْشِى عَلَىٰٓ أَرْبَعٍۢ ۚ يَخْلُقُ ٱللَّهُ مَا يَشَآءُ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍۢ قَدِيرٌۭ

” Allah has created every [living] creature from water. And of them are those that move on their bellies, and of them are those that walk on two legs, and of them are those that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent..

Join us in our mission to provide clean water to those in need, as together, we create lasting impressions while healing the hearts of humanity. Start sowing the seeds of goodness today by investing in your Akhirah that can only be enriched by the fruit of your virtue and compassion for others as a Sadaqah-e-Jariya.

Donations to “Rivers Of Jannah” are tax-exempt (Tax ID#: 92-2606908) and are also Zakat eligible. We are a 501(c)(3) organization that maintains strict standards in the distribution of Zakat to eligible families. This important pillar of the Islamic faith allows the Muslim community to purify its wealth, uplift those in need, and promote Brotherhood, Sisterhood, and a share in Humanity.

Donate Via Zelle: doors@riversofjannah.org

Donate via PayPal

Your contribution can help in building a better future world wide

Our mission is to bring clean water to those in need and make a lasting impact on humanity. Your contribution can help in planting the seeds of kindness today enriched through the enduring rewards of virtue and compassion as Sadaqah-e-Jariya.